Let me start by saying it is a great honour to write a little something on the Run Strong. blog about “Why I was interested in supporting". There are many reasons!
1.) THE CAUSE ITSELF! Statistics indicate that one of every two women will face some sort of violence and, more likely than not, these acts will be perpetrated by a current or former partner. As a father of two girls, statistically my girls are at risk. I have a duty to act!
2.) AWARENESS! Run Strong. will succeed – 100% faith that Corrie will run the entire marathon with a smile on her face and building awareness for victims who might not be in a position to lead… right now. She will be powered by energy far beyond her alone!
3.) INSPIRE! Run Strong. will inspire people to become more active! Corrie defines herself as, “an everyday-girl-turned-marathon-runner”. My belief is that we are all runners! The difference is that some are training and some are not – GET OUT THERE! Yes, you can! Watch Corrie Go! Many have already joined the cause and will Run With Her. Why not you?
4.) FUNDRAISING! Run Strong. is raising $$$ for organizations that have proven their value over many decades i.e. Interim Place. Within the current climate of fiscal restraint, those without voice are the first to get funds cut. Fundraising is crucial during this financial decline.
5.) CORRIE! If you know Corrie – you know two things about her – she is positively infectious and capable of anything. What can I say, I like betting on a winner!
For some of you, your Sister, Mother, Daughter, Best friend etc. need your help! Please give generously! I challenge you to share Run Strong. on your social media pages, be active in this journey and in your athletic careers. I challenge you to match my $100 donation and find creative ways to promote Run Strong. Here is an opportunity to support a Hero! Be a Hero! Yes, I would submit that Corrie is more the everyday-girl-gone-Hero because she is modelling internal fortitude, strength, resilience, courage, and determination.
So I guess I end with the question, “How could you not support Run Strong?"